

Welcome Robo-Lovers

Robo-Sapiens, the Robotics-Club of our institute was introduced in the academic year 2018-19 with an intial set-up with in biggest hope to bulid some Robo Gigantic India. Since IIIT Bhagalpur as built with the aim to build the nation in new phase we try to explore Robotice world in various aspects. To align our efforts and activities with the objectives of the nation and to keep our students at the forefront of innovation, creativity and build solutions that are relevant in the local and global context Robo-Sapiens will perform different features of Robotics.

Robo-Sapiens & IIIT Bhagalpur

What is done here in Robotics Club ?

Robo-Sapiens, the Robotics-Club of our institute was introduced in the academic year 2018-19 with an intial set-up with in biggest hope to bulid some Robo Gigantic India. Since IIIT Bhagalpur as built with the aim to build the nation in new phase we try to explore Robotice world in various aspects. To align our efforts and activities with the objectives of the nation and to keep our students at the forefront of innovation, creativity and build solutions that are relevant in the local and global context Robo-Sapiens will perform different features of Robotics.

Main Leads

Prof. Arvind Choubey

Director Sir

Dr. Gaurav Kumar

Technical Coordinator

Dr. Dheeraj Kumar Sinha


Come Forward to IIIT Bhagalpur Robotics Club

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